How to decipher a @flyingtoasters emote

These are the most common emotes used by @flyingtoasters and what their general usage is intended to convey. When in doubt, just ask.

👀 I saw it or, I'm looking into it

👍 yep, or I agree with that

☝️ this is correct and other people probably didn't know that but they should (sometimes an opinion, sometimes fact)

🤷‍ sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some sometimes; no real opinion to offer here because both sides seem fine...probably

🤦 someone made a dumb mistake, or they should/could have known better

😂 🤣 😆 ... amusing, or actually making me laugh

🤯 people are so stupid sometimes, or "whoa that's really cool, I never even imagined that"

❤️ thanks, this makes me feel happy or loved or appreciated

✅ ✔️ this is done. whatever the todo item that was talked about, I've checked it off the list as complete.

🔥 oooh! This is neat, or literal fire

👋 just saying hi, usually to new people popping in

⚠️ use caution. looks like you might be about to break the rules, start an argument, or offend someone. think again before you continue

🏴‍☠️ piracy detected!

🍻 cheers, beers, have a drink, or "noice"

🙈 I'm just going to pretend I didn't see that