Overdrive ODM and odmpy


- Install python and odmpy (python is required for odmpy to run)

Part 1: Get the ODM File using Bookmarklet

  1. Open up these two pages:
    1. bookmarklet.js
    2. Mr Coles Bookmarklet Creator
  2. Copy/paste the .js into the Bookmarklet Creator


  3. Give it a Name, and Click on Convert to bookmarklet


  4. Drag the button into your bookmark bar


  5. Navigate to your library’s Overdrive Loans page, then click on your new Bookmark button

    • The ODM download button will appear:


6. Download the ODM file

Part 2: Extract ODM file use odmpy

  1. Install python (if needed) and odmpy.
    • Follow the installation instructions at: https://github.com/ping/odmpy
    • If you want to use the merge command (and merge all parts into a single file) you will also need to install ffmpeg.
  2. Run the following script in Command Prompt (change your title to the actual title of your file):

    python odmpy --retry 3 dl "someBook.odm" --keepcover --chapters --merge