Applying To The Archive

Why is the Archive for verified users only?

We want to make sure that users of the Archive are active contributors to the project, while also growing the library of backed up content for members to access should they lose a card before they can back it up themselves. Requiring that users upload content also provides some assurance that the technical ability to access the Archive.

For this reason, users are also required to have a Gmail account associated with their uploads and which will be granted access to the Archive upon acceptance of the application.

What are the Submission Requirements to be allowed access to the Archive?

All Users must have a gmail account. The account profile name MUST NOT use the word “yoto” anywhere in it.

Users must upload content to the Archive that is new and not previously uploaded. Before uploading, you can check the “Wanted!” list for highly sought after cards. TOYO is currently only accepting content from Official Yoto cards. Content held in MYO is not currently being accepted.

Requirements to join will evolve with time, and is currently set at ten (10) unique official cards (not MYO) that are not already in the Library.

These requirements are subject to change as the Archive grows and new content becomes available.

How do I upload and apply?

You can apply by using the Card Link Collector Tool. For assistance with the tool, please read the tutorial.

If you would also like access to the Archivist Tools available only to Discord users, please also use the #contacts channel to “Apply to Archive.”

Review, Approval, and Access

All URLs sent through this tool are automatically scanned for authenticity. They are also scanned to see if that title has already been submitted to reduce duplication of backup data. This also allows for counting of unique titles uploaded by each user.

If a user would like check on the status of their uploads, they may use the #contacts channel to “Apply to Archive” and an administrator will let you know the number of successful uploads made, the number of unique cards, and how many more unique cards they must upload to gain access.

Once a user has met the access requirements, they will be gain access to the Archive section of Discord. Newly approved users are adding the Archive access list on a scheduled basis. TOYO aims to do this no less than every two weeks.