Frequently Asked Questions

The Archive

  1. Is this legal?
    • We are not authorized to give legal advice.
  2. When will the Archive be available?
  3. How can I access the Archive?
  4. What can be found in the archive?
    • The Archive contains only backups of Official Yoto Cards, which is complete with chapterized audio, all icons, and cover art. To view the full content of the Archive, see the Index.
  5. How come I can only archive Official Yoto Content?
    • The goal of this project is to only have high quality content specifically for the Yoto ecosystem. While there is significantly more “generic” audio content available, that is currently out of scope of the Archive.We want to offer an experience curated to the Yoto user, with the ability to access a full backup of their purchased content.
  6. What is to stop you from taking the NFC codes I share in the "application" and saying "thanks for the info but not giving you access - sorry!"
    • Nothing. You don't know this team running this project. You have no reason to trust them beyond seeing that other people have done so. So I can tell you I'm a nice person and I promise not to do that, but what is that really worth to you?
  7. Can the Yoto URLs link back to my account and is there a way that this project accessing the link can lead back to my account being blocked?
    • There is no way for this group to take that URL and gain any amount of access to your account. The one exception is MYO cards.
    • MYO cards: Your email address is attached to an MYO card when you share a playlist. Remember that warning that pops up in the app when you create the share link? that action triggers a permanent change to the MYO playlist and it attaches your email address. We know this, and are therefore EXTRA careful about NOT sharing (1) these links and (2) the personal IDs thare are tied into the MYO playlists. One of the first things we did when writing tools was to write a "scrub_personal_data" function to delete this info from the cached data so that its not even stored for processing later. Its not required so we don't keep it in the data cache. We check the email address only to determine "is this from YOTO, or a user" and then "if its a user, make sure we give the credits/points to the author of the playlist and not the uploader"

General Yoto Questions

  1. What is the difference between a full size and mini Yoto Player?
  2. I just bought my first Yoto Player. What do I need to do to get setup?
  3. I want to gift a Yoto Player, is there anything special I need to do?
  4. What is the MYO Studio Chrome Extension?
  5. What is the Yoto Audio Player browser extension?
  6. What is the Yoto Club? Is it worth the money?
  7. Can I share my referral link?

Using your Yoto Player

  1. Can you set a sleep timer on Yoto Players?
    • Kind of, sort of. Yoto has the ability to set a “night time” mode, which has the ability to limit the volume to 0, which effectively makes it mute. However, there is only a single schedule for night time mode, so you would not be able to set a separate volume limit prior to “night time.” An alternative would be to make use of Home Assistant to schedule the volume limitations to change at different times. Tutorials for integrating Home Assistant and Scheduling Tasks are coming soon.
  2. Can you set a wake up alarm on Yoto Players?
  3. Why won’t my Yoto connect to my hotspot?
    • Your hotspot may be set to 5gHz and I believe the Yoto player can only connect to 2.5gHz. You should be able to go into your device’s hotspot settings and see what gHz it is putting out.
    • Additionally, Yoto Players can only connect to WiFi connections that have required passwords, so ensure that that option is enabled on your hotspot.
  4. Why won’t my podcasts play?
    • If you know that the RSS feed and card are working correctly, the most common reason is that the player does not have access to the internet. Unlike normal playlists and books, podcasts are not downloaded to the Yoto Player itself, and require near constant internet access to work.


  1. Can I purchase NFC cards from sources other than Yoto?
  2. Are Yoto Players smart home compatible?
    • Yes! There is a Yoto Player integration available for Home Assistant. Tutorials on adding your Yoto Players are coming soon!


  1. The content I want is not available in the Archive. What are my options?
  2. How can I put Podcasts on a Yoto Card?
  3. Can I sell or trade cards here?
    • No. There are other fora on the internet for Buying/Selling/Trading Yoto cards, but those activities are not allowed in the Discord server. Attempting to do so may result in administrative actions.

MYO Cards & Playlists

  1. Why is my card is not linking to the playlist?
  2. Why does my audio content load to the MYO in a strange order?
  3. How can I efficiently load Icons onto my MYO playlist?
  4. Can I put my own recordings onto a Yoto card?


  1. What are the best printers for making labels?
  2. What is the “library system”?

The Optimistic Yack Order Information

  1. How can I report xyz to the Moderators?
  2. I would like to be more involved with The Optimistic Yack Order. What can I do to help?

Don’t see what you are looking for? Contact us at one of the links below!